Wow, been awhile since I posted
Online journals are stupid because I never have anything to say.
Ok so I found out yesterday that I'm failing Chem! Fucken shit, goddammit all to mother fucking hell. on a stick. to the max.
Oh well, buckledowntime. Guess I'm not meant to have fun during the semester. Can't wait until summer vacation!!!!! :D
RAD were talking about illegal immigration today. Dawn thinks it's ok to have slave labor of mexicans, while Arnie thinks it's ok for an employer to fire real workers for illegal aliens. Fantastic.
That's just a myth anyway, that the economy will go through a depression or skyrocketing prices just because aliens are not working. That is such a stupid wives tale designed to scare us into not wanting illegal aliens gone.
Ok so I found out yesterday that I'm failing Chem! Fucken shit, goddammit all to mother fucking hell. on a stick. to the max.
Oh well, buckledowntime. Guess I'm not meant to have fun during the semester. Can't wait until summer vacation!!!!! :D
RAD were talking about illegal immigration today. Dawn thinks it's ok to have slave labor of mexicans, while Arnie thinks it's ok for an employer to fire real workers for illegal aliens. Fantastic.
That's just a myth anyway, that the economy will go through a depression or skyrocketing prices just because aliens are not working. That is such a stupid wives tale designed to scare us into not wanting illegal aliens gone.
No one cares about them. And if they do, they're hypocrites. They say "oh they do jobs that no one else will do." So they approve of slave labor then, because working for $2 an hour is just that.
And I'm sorry, but their viruses are the least of our worries. If they were gone, we would have the money to pay for schools and more healthcare for AMERICANS.
First of all, illegal aliens are not "innocent". They've committed a crime, as denoted by their "illegal" status.
After that, think about this... We (California) spend $53M on public schools. It's fast become apparent in southern and central Californian public schools the minority is no longer Hispanic, black, Asian and otherwise denoted "ethnic" groups. Whites make up less than 35% of the student body of more then 60% of the schools in the southern and central Californian school districts (k-12). FREE SCHOOL for criminals. I know, their kids; how can we punish them. Well, we don't; at least not directly. Their parents are the ones here illegally, and the children really didn't have a choice. So, we send the whole family packing.
They don't pay taxes, they use free services they are not entitled to, and there are legal systems which are government funded which protect more of their rights than ours (citizens, both natural and naturalized). I for one have a hard time with the idea of paying my taxes only to be told there are people in the US without healthcare because we don't pay enough. If these people didn't exist the healthcare problem wouldn't be as big a crisis as the libs would lead us all to believe.
AND WHILE I'M ON THE SUBJECT!!! Enforcement of the laws already in place to mitigate illegal immigration would be a wonderful start. As it is, border patrol is a misnomer. The police men on the border don't patrol shit. They aren't allowed to leave their immediate areas without substantial regulatory red tape, and if they do happen to catch border crossings in the act they aren't allowed to do much more than detain the criminals until their US GOVERNMENT PAID FOR lawyers can show up and get them all into the country on some technicality. AND, on top of that, at present if an illegal is found to be in the US and brought up on charges there is no detainment once the arraignment is finished. The court allows the illegal to leave the court room to return for deportment on his/her own, without follow-up by the state. WTF-O??? "Uh, yeah... Um, you've been found guilty of a felony, so come back some time and we'll send you back to your country of origin." Uh huh, right... I'm about to go back to where I never wanted to be in the first fucking place. Sure judge.
Enforce the laws, send em packing, and stop their government from tithing the money they send back to their countries from us TAX FUCKING FREE!!! 1/3 of Mexico's GNP is based on importing money sent their by illegal immigrants in THIS COUNTRY!!! Why the hell should we support Mexico's economy through tax free labor, and THEN let the laborers use our services which are paid for with our TAXES??? What a bunch of bullshit. And it’s not just Mexicans… This happens from all countries who have people willing to risk it all (yeah right) to better their livelihood. Funny thing is, it’s not that hard to become a citizen of the US. If things were done the way they were meant to be done instead of worrying about hurting everyone's feelings we wouldn't have all the messes we have now.
good points both of you.
An ethical dillema to be sure, do we punish the children for their parents mistakes? Or do we punish them as a lot?
And what happens when the children are sent back to a country they never knew? It is a touchy subject, but the problem is that the politicians are not worried about the ethical issues, they are worried about votes. Plain and simple.
or maybe a better solution is to legalize the aliens who have children, and boot the non-parents.
Keep them "representatives" employed, right? So, as Gil Sedillo would say, let them vote, let them drive, let them all have what we have without having to support all that makes what we have possible.
The childred of these miscreants would unfortunately have to be sent back to their countries of origin with their parents unless they were born here. The way the system works now is if you are born here you are a citizen. If your parent is not a citizen then they are allowed to stay in the country so long as they provide for your well being. Well, the thing is, um... How do I put this... THEY ARE TOLD TO GO ON WELFARE BY THE SAME PEOPLE WHO SHOULD BE TELLING THEM TO GET THE HELL OUT!!! That's right kiddies, the people who should not have been allowed to be here in the first place now benefit from the welfare system because they now have children who are citizens of this country.
Again, to be redundant in and of myself, I say ENFORCE THE LAWS!!! If we stop the influx then we only have to deal with the mess that is here now, and eventually it will fizzle and go away.
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