Monday, May 16, 2005

wat the crap firefox?

God techies are so lame. I just installed firefox because my comp is fucking up and the network admins here are too damn lazy to fix it. And what is it? A goddamn copy of internet explorer. I swear, they try to copy it in every way possible, and fail miserably. They use Java or some stupid language, so the whole thing is laggy as hell. Why would anyone use firefox when it's just a copy of microsoft? They even made a compatible google toolbar for FF, and it's a cheap knockoff of the one for IE.

Losers. Do something worthwhile.


Blogger Daddoooo said...

Find an in browser bandwidth tester for IE, or maybe a free download manager without spyware or a virus attached... Can't? Oh man, sorry. IE sucks like that. They've even announced there's a hack for IE 7, and that shit isn't even out yet! The only known vulnerabilities for Firefox have already been patched! Tuff luck sucka!

9:59 PM  
Blogger tammo21 said...

I got your download manager right here. It's called "right-click - new folder - my downloads". Wow that was easy. And of course new software has holes. Firefox is not that hackproof because most people still use IE and hackers don't bother with less used software. Either way, they're both win32 programs, and are both just as vulnerable. Just because one claims to be "hackproof" doesn't make it true. I'd use IE to some lame poser browser, or "prowser" if you will, any day of the freaking week.

5:15 PM  

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