Thursday, August 25, 2005

ADD is a real condition, I should know

I'm not only a victim, I'm also a client... And the founder of the ADHD Society of America - serving your kids today!

Wait nevermind. Shut up! Oh so maybe not in kids, but I certainly have it. Goddamn doctors, what do they know? 2 week trial prescription to straterra didn't show any results, so the doc said I should try some "mental exercises" and organization techniques. I ask you, who has time for that? Between work school and video games, I don't have any time to better myself! That's when I got holistic on my ass. Little drug called "Focus Formula," not a drug, but herbs and shit. No need for chemicals, dependancies, or side effects. And best of all, this shit worked within 2 days! And it's still working. So I'm kissing my doctor goodbye (she's very attractive, now I know what the Animaniacs were going nuts over) and just sticking to all natural methods.

There, I posted a blog. I'll be back later if I think of something interesting to say. That's right, you spic.

Oh yeah on a side note, I drank 3 beers the night after starting this, and I got hung over before I even went to bed. Seems to have passed now, seeing as how I'm on number 5 and have a great buzz going. Later DOGS!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

8:32 PM  

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