Thursday, September 08, 2005

Goddamn california, you sure elected idiot legislators

For Christ's sake, can't we get some decent people running this state? They want to approve gay marriage, against the will of the people. They want to give illegals drivers licenses, against the will of the people. Tell me, what fucking purpose do you guys serve if you are not going to represent THE PEOPLE?!

I call for a revolt in California. No Taxation Without Representation, refuse to pay your income taxes to California until your so-called "representatives" start doing their job and representing their constituents!

The governor blatanly says he would veto the measure "out of respect for the will of the people." This about gay marriage. Obviously it's what WE want, yet the legislature just ignored what WE want and passed it anyway. Fucking faggots. Then they go and turn it around on him and say he's pandering to the republican party. DIDN'T HE JUST SAY THAT HE WAS PANDERING TO CALIFORNIANS?!?

Jesus Christ, when did our government get so stupid? It's just rediculous. I can't wait to get out of this fucking liberal-ass gestapo crap and move to a state that has some goddamn common sense. Maybe somewhere in the deep south where it's still ok to beat your children, own a gun, and exercise your right to free speech. That's where the true America is, not in this namby pamby political correct "make everyone feel good" gay society we have here in California. Run by people like "Mervyn Dymally, D-Compton" who likes illegal immigration because "California economy needs illegal immigrants to fill many jobs."

"These people pay taxes, Social Security. We benefit by their presence here," he said.

Bull fucking shit. AMERICA FOR AMERICANS! Are you with me? America is not your country, Mexico! It is our country, and you are not welcome here!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:24 PM  
Blogger Daddoooo said...

Elloquent as always, bro. I'm about as enraged as you are. Thing about is, these people need to keep their jobs, and the gay rights movement in California, although powerful, does not represent the majority. When it comes time for re-election the people who have the gall to misrepresent us won't have their jobs anymore. It may take time, but things will turn out in the wash.

4:45 AM  
Blogger Daddoooo said...

SO what did the first comment say that you had to delete it?

4:45 AM  
Blogger tammo21 said...

Yeah some nigger had the gall to post a spam ad to my blog, so I canned it. And yes they have to be fired, because they are violating their oathes of office by endorsing lawbreakers. Especially those idiots who say we need them to work jobs. It is illegal to hire illegal immigrants, but our legislators are encouraging them to hire them, illegally. Their oaths demand that they enforce and uphold the laws of the state, and they are violating their oaths. What point is there to an oath if it doesn't mean anything? Any violation of your oath of office requires immediate dismissal.

1:55 AM  

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