Thursday, October 06, 2005

How to survive a hurricane disaster.

1. Leave when you're told.

If by chance you don't do number 1, follow these simple step by step instructions:

2. stock up on canned goods and bottled water in the 4 DAYS LEADING UP THE GODDAMN HURRICANE!
3. If you have to take a shit, DON'T DO IT WHERE YOU'RE CURRENTLY LIVING! Idiots, stories about them "living in human feces, sleeping in pools of urine." Christ, have some fucken respect for yourself! Go off into a corner to take a shit, or do it in the water! Jesus Almighty, what ever happened to the human survival instinct?
4. In the days leading up to the storm, buy yourself a gun to fend off the human debris that will either rob you or rape you.
5. Get yourself an emergency life raft so you can get the hell out of the city when it floods. Sitting on your roof in 90 degree heat and 90% humidity for 7 days is just idiocy.
6. NEXT TIME BUY SOME GODDAMN FLOOD INSURANCE! For Christ's Teeth, you live in a flood-basin next to the strongest river in the country! And you're below sea level! Don't come to me asking me to pay for your house because you were too stupid to buy insurance.

The end!


Blogger Daddoooo said...

Very insightful. Now where do you think people are going to come up with brains enough to actually listen to you when for their entire lives they had been told nothing like what happened would EVER happen? It's just like when we were hit on 9/11... Everyone thought it couldn't happen. Then it does and when we retaliate people are curious as to why some of our troops don't have the gear they really needed when all along the military had been asking for the funding and R&D for the shit they should have had in the first place. Or, come to think of it, now that gas prices are high people are finally (after 30 years!!!) talking about building oil refineries again. WTF-O? People are so stupid sometimes. Everyone please NIMBY, and it makes me sick, as, I'm sure, it does you.

9:49 AM  
Blogger Daddoooo said...

Um, I meant "Everyone plays NIMBY..."

9:50 AM  
Blogger tammo21 said...

no they knew it could happen, but technically, sacramento has a bigger chance of flooding than new orleans did. But how can you ever know when a cat 5 is gonna hit you?

Also, refineries will only be built when the price of oil is high. Otherwise, there's not a big enough return on investment to build one, plus all the government red tape which will never go away. Everyone should get a motorcycle and our gas consumption would halve.

11:20 AM  
Blogger Daddoooo said...

Bush is trying to encourage the oil companies to build refineries on old military bases so they don't have to go through the local government's EPA bullshit. That should just about cut the cost of building a single refinery in half. It'd be nice to see someone take the bait.

1:59 PM  

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