Monday, March 14, 2005

Democracy is dead as of today

So yeah, California gays went and did an end-run around california voters. A fucken judge today went and said that a ban on gay marriage is unconstutional, thus stating in not-so-plain english that the will of the people does not matter, and that the will of one man, him, is more important. Sound like a democracy to you? Me either.

Regardless of what they all say, this is not a civil rights issue. Gay people have just as much right to marry as straight people. The justice does not ask you what your sexual preferences are when he marries you, he just makes sure you're marrying someone of the opposite sex. A gay man can marry a women just as easily as a straight man can marry a woman, so their rights are protected. But what they want is MORE than what they are given.

California overwhelmingly supports civil unions that give the same benefits as marriage. Californians also overwhelmingly are against gay marriage. So instead of taking what they could get, they decided to thrust into our democracy and take what they wanted by force, and telling californians that our votes do not matter, but that the will of the minority is more important.

So therefore, democracy in California is dead. I highly doubt that the california supreme court will uphold this ruling, since they have previously ruled that a ban on gay marriage is NOT unconstitutional. So you dumb liberals who think you can get away with trying to usurp our democracy can just kiss my ass.


Blogger Daddoooo said...

You tell em, spanky. This pissed me off, too. There are more than enough rights for homosexual couples in the form of civil unions, as you said before. I think the only reason they want to take marriage away from heterosexual couples is because the basis for marriage is purely religious. It's since been distorted by the fact you have to pay the government for a license to marry, but the premise is still the same. It's for the romanticism of marriage alone that these homosexual advocasy groups and activist judges make these unfathomable injustices to voting Americans possible. They want to be able to say "my spouse" or "my husband/wife" instead of "my partner". If all they're looking for is symantic bullshit they should just let it rest instead of forcing us to spend millions of dollars to appeal their stupidity.

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

8:30 PM  

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