Thursday, November 10, 2005

let it be known, the US Congress is anti-capitalism

Or better known as Communists. Run em all out of office. And get some people in who actually know how a market system works. The very idea of a "Windfall Profits Tax" is completely anti-capitalistic. It's only because it's the evil "big oil! Woooooo" go on, *COUGH*ENRON*COUGH*. buncha fucken rubes.

"Your sacrifice appears to be nothing," Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., told the executives, citing multimillion-dollar bonuses the officials are receiving amid soaring prices at gasoline pumps and predictions of more of the same for winter heating bills.

Real quick, Barbara, you're a fucken idiot, you have no clue how the market even works. "Oh the oil companies set prices." No really they don't. Maybe gas prices will go down if you'd stop taking the side of the idiot environmentalists and let them build some more refineries!

There is a "growing suspicion that oil companies are taking unfair advantage," said Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M. "The oil companies owe the American people an explanation."

No really they don't owe anyone an explanation. It's not their fault that there's A DEMAND FOR OIL! If you want to punish the oil companies, start taking demand away! Or let us drill for oil within the US instead of relying on foreigners. If anything it's all your faults for starting the goddamn war in the middle east, which by the way, drove prices up. But oh, lets blame big oil.

I bet a dollar to a donut that if it were Mom and Pop's House of Bread making windfall profits during a flour shortage, there would be no problem because they aren't an evil corporation. None of these idiot congressmen know what happens when you put price caps on things (like oil), and they refuse to see what has happened in the past, IE shortages!

fuck em all, depose our stupid congress and elect new ones who know what the fuck they're doing and aren't secret communists.


Blogger Daddoooo said...

Jake, your anger and passion in this is admirable. I agree that oil companies don't set prices. It's high time we go about making it easier for this country to set its own agenda by opening up our own oil reserves. Alas, that won't be happening too soon. The House rejected the portion of the Energy/Spending bill which would have opened up ANWR for oil exploration. It seems we have too many moderate nutjobs trying to tell everyone else they know better while they get nice fat paychecks and we get nice fat gas prices. Alternatives aren't that far off... We should take a hint from Saab... They made an engine/turbo/intercooler assembly which makes ethanol produce more horsepower than gasoline! Somehow I think maybe the corn market would boom quite a bit if US and Asian automakers shifted from gasoline to ethanol... It burns cleaner (for the environuts), is cheaper to make (for the capitalists), and we don't have to get foreign countries to sell it to us, um, since, um, yeah... WE HAVE MORE CORN THAN THE WHOLE FREAKIN' WORLD!!! But what do I know? I'm just a consumer going broke over GASOLINE!!!

3:15 PM  
Blogger tammo21 said...

dats why I'm gettin a motorcycle. woo 70 mpg

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

8:32 PM  

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