Monday, January 16, 2006

War on Terra akin to Zerg Rush

Experience in Zerg Rushing suggests that those who strike out before securing their home base are doomed to defeat. However, when you focus your initial efforts on the base defenses, your enemy's overwhelming numbers do not stand a chance of survival in an assault. Then you have a chance to buildup for a strike.

Such is the mistake the US is making in the "war on terra." Our homeland is more vulnerable than it was in the late 1700s, yet we continue to "take the fight to the terrorists." Thanks a lot mr bush, now 19 innocents are dead because of you, and we don't have anything to show for it except pissing off an entire muslim country. And with our borders and homeland defenses as flimsy as they are, the most people we piss off, then more likely a chance of another terrorist attack.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

8:32 PM  

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