Mere goddamn coincidence!

Ok real quick people, it's just a coincidence, the movie is not "about" jesus and it's not even "allegory." CS Lewis has even admitted that it just sort of happened, and he didn't mean for everyone to get all hysterical about the books. Sure he was religious, but so was Mel Gibson, and you didn't see anything religious about Lethal Weapon did you? And just to let all you zealots know, if Aslan really did represent Jesus, CS Lewis is a jerk-hole because Jesus would never be as aggressive as Aslan is, nor would he kill anyone like Aslan killed the White Witch.
All in all, a very good movie. No corny singing, very little corny scenes, and the battle scenes were relatively well done. Although I could have done without seeing a goddamn hippo charging into battle. The rhino was one thing, but come on, a hippo?
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