Thursday, February 09, 2006

How dare you test my child!

"I can't believe you'd actually expect my child to pass a test to graduate! You're here to hand him a diploma regardless of how
stupid he may actually be." Fucken people, I swear to god.,0,1876736.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california

This year's 12th-graders are the first class to face the graduation requirement, which includes a section of eighth-grade-level math and another of ninth- and 10th-grade-level English. Students can take the test multiple times and are required to answer little more than half of the questions correctly.

Well I'm sorry if your child is too stupid to pass questions 2 and 3 grade levels below him. If he can't do that, then he doesn't have any place in society, he'll be nothing but a dreg. Maybe if you got off your ass and did some parenting once in awhile, your child could pass.

Hell in a handbasket, that's all I have to say. California is fixing to have a class war soon enough, similar to what happened in France last year. Those feeling they are entitled rioting against people who actually are worth a damn.


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