Monday, May 02, 2011
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
To all you people losing your homes
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
wtf? you're the one hurting the troops you dumbshit.
“The clock is ticking for our troops,” Mr. Bush said, over the gurgling of babies squirming in their mothers’ arms. He went on, “Congress’s failure to fund our troops will mean that the readiness of our forces will suffer.”
Ok clearly it's your fault that the cutbacks will be made since you have a funding bill in front of you and refuse to sign it. That makes it solely your fault. Just because you're too much of a coward to accept the fact that you screwed up the war in the first place and can't admit to it. You want to have an open timeline so you can take all the sweet time you need when a timetable will light a fire under your ass to get it done right and quick.
It's funny, this guy is asking for billions to fund a war that's killed over 300k people and caused a civil war because it wasn't done right from the beginning, then he totally turns around and displays his hippocracy buy refusing to fund stem cell research because "he won't put money into taking human lives." Ok does that make sense at all?
No, he is again refusing to see the truth. Stem cell research has already cured type 1 diabetes and has enormous potential, yet he'd rather spend that money on a failing foreign policy. Hopefully the congress will continue to stand up to him and hopefully the next guy in charge will know what the hell he's doing.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
The hippocracy of these people is astounding
he rival factions Hamas and Fatah yesterday both condemned the failure of the major powers involved in Middle East peacemaking to end a punishing Western aid embargo on the Palestinians.
Sorry, I just had to write about this, I just don't understand how anyone can give them credence or respect after something like this. And I'm talking about you america-hating terrorist supporters who call them "freedom fighters." Clearly if they want to help their people, maybe they should stop giving Israel a reason to retaliate! Stop blowing your goddamn selves up and causing havoc and maybe your miserable lives will get better for once.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
One "craptop" per child! Ooh I made a funny!
I am Hy-larious! :D This is why the current generation is so impotent and fat, rather than being taught how the real world works, exercising and being productive.... they're being taught how to browse the internet and type stuff. Wooooooo.
Not only do third world countries have far more important things to worry about than being connected to the information superhighway, they also don't need the developed world's patronage with their stupid $100 crappy laptops.
But this doesn't go just with the third world, I don't understand exactly what this fixation on hi-tech education is... I just ready today that Oprah opened a school in South Africa, with a focus on "modern education." What is that exactly? Does not a child today still need to know the basics of life that was taught 20-30 years ago? FYI people, computer skills are not essential to a productive life. Things like exercise, proper eating habits, literacy and motivation are more important than learning how to sit in a chair and browse the net.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Yet again our government is trying to punish the successful
Key Democrats oppose renewing military draft
Rangel, who is in line to chair the House Ways and Means Committee next year, has renewed his call for the draft, saying the war in Iraq is being fought by American soldiers who disproportionately are from low-income families and minorities.
So apparantly Mr Rangel believes that people who don't need the benefits of military service to succeed in life should be forced to serve in the military. By the way, I'd just like to point out that the Draft is completely unconstitutional. Jerks.
Monday, October 23, 2006
On the world food bank and world hunger
This got me thinking about the nature of the science, in that an ecosystem is only able to support a certain number of organisms, and those that exceed the carrying capacity are the ones that the ecosystem then fails to support, resulting in a dieback. It seems like this would be an interesting discussion topic; the idea that if the rest of the environment is expected to adhere to the limitations of its respective ecosystem, why then are human beings somehow exempt from this limitation?
I would posit the idea then, that the attempts to solve world hunger only serves to exacerbate the problem of world hunger. Think about it for a moment. The main reason for hunger in developing nations such as India, China and Russia is due to poverty and lack of economic freedom. This explains why countries with high economic freedom, such as the US, Japan and Australia, do not suffer from a lack of food or water. On the other side are developing countries in Africa, which are torn by civil wars, overpopulation and a lack of natural resources. The UN takes people displaced by war and crowds them into "refugee camps," where they basically become wards of the UN, receiving all their food and water from others rather than having to work for it themselves. This unnaturally extends their lifespans, leading to reproduction and further overpopulation, which in turn leads to more hunger, requiring more aid.
The environment for non-humans follows a very specific idea that an environment will support organisms up to the environment's carrying capacity, and anything that exists above that capacity will either experience a "dieback", or they will be forced to migrate elsewhere. The idea that humans are somehow above this is completely contrary to the belief that humans are just as much a part of the ecosystem as anything else. My philosophy: Death is a part of life. There's nothing wrong with people dying due to overpopulation, it's just a part of the design of Earth. The best solution to world hunger is to let the hungry die.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Eh? Most of the world is poor for a reason?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Heads up - Unemployment on the rise California!
duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ where should I start?
"For small businesses, this is a very high increase," association CEO Jot Condie said in a prepared statement. "It's bad for business, it's bad for restaurants and ultimately it's bad for consumers who will see inflation at their dinner table."
What? Forced raises in wages will cause more inflation? You don't say? Not to mention that it's a proven fact that minimum wages create unemployment. But hey, when this causes people to get laid off, it's all good. They can blame their "labor friendly" representatives for costing them their jobs.
"The long wait for an increase has hurt workers," said Art Pulaski, executive secretary-treasurer of the California Labor Federation, in a prepared statement after the deal was announced. "Indexing the minimum wage is still the most fair approach and would remove politics from the process."
Actually, the most fair approach would be to let the market determine what wages should be. After all, nobody forces those people to take jobs at $6.75 an hour. This is just the government again shifting more and more toward socialism. Good thing I ain't living in California for much longer.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
homo marriage is important?
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
How much would my 25mpg car cost for 100 miles? $12.
And now people are calling gas prices a political issue, calling for price ceilings, calling for "investigations" into price gouging. You faggots, you're all stupid and need to take a course in economics. Supply and demand. As supply stays the same (because all you enviro-homos hate new refineries) and demand goes up, prices also go up. There's no such thing as price gouging, it's a made up word to make the "little guy" feel better because he's sticking it to big oil. Well lah dee dah for you, yet again you complain but offer no solutions.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Americans are the worst hippocrites
Survey: Cheating on Taxes Gets Low Marks
The survey found that nearly nine out of 10 Americans (88 percent) felt that it is not at all acceptable to cheat on income taxes, the highest level recorded since tracking began in 1999 and up two points from 2004.
And yet then there's this:
"Well they do j-j-j-jobs that no american will do." So it's ok for mexicans to work under the table because "they're a very hard working and clean people" but us americans who want to save $400 a year by writing gas off as a business expense, oh we're committing a crime and that's bad.
Hell in a handbasket, everyone's an idiot.
Kids are dumber than ever these days
Monday, March 20, 2006
Are people getting stupider or can they just not read?!
What do I get? "I have a mint condition sazuki dr 650 i want 3200 for it"
First of all, a dr650 is not a fucken cruiser. Second, see above where I mention my price? Is $3200 more or less than $3000?

Thursday, March 16, 2006
Why did we elect such uneducated morons?
The U.S. Congress has approved a $781 billion increase in the legal borrowing limit for the federal government.
A bill authorizing the increase now goes to President Bush for his signature.
The debt ceiling now stands at slightly less than nine trillion dollars. That works out to about $30,000 for every woman, man and child in the country.
Well that's fucken fantastic! Anyone who has ever borrowed money to pay back a debt can tell you what kind of downward spiral it leads to. What the fuck are you doing Bush where you need to raise the debt ceiling 4 goddamn times?! Jesus Christ, take a fucken economics course for once ya moron!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Why is my business failing?
Not since Job has anyone suffered as much as I have trying to buy a motorcycle. From jerks selling 4 year old Hondas with torn seats for above MSRP for 2006 models, to assface store clerks making $7/hour telling me that the price of a helmet determines how safe it is, to stupid stupid STUPID stores being closed on Sundays, you're all a bunch of fags and I hope you trip and fall on a rusty kitchen knife and bleed to death.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Rob has hit the nail on the head (again)
There are very few topics, save animal cruelty, that get me as angry as the notion that homelessness and poverty are a reality in America. The larger umbrella to place this topic under is, of course, personal responsibility, which continues to be my bailiwick and my passion.
I guess I should very quickly define myself and my beliefs first. Of course there are people without homes in America. That is a fact. There is also what we call a "poverty line," defined as a level of income so low that compared to the wealth of the nation, a person earning that little is unable to operate on a day-to-day basis financially. So sure, based on those facts I can't really argue that homelessness and poverty aren't realities in America… there's just no damn reason for them, that's all. Additionally, the country and the system are not to blame… people are.
There's a great website called where you can plug in your annual salary and see where you rank compared to everyone else in the entire world. If you are the average American, making $30,000 per year, you are in the top 7.2% in worldwide wealth. If you are at the poverty level in America, making $8,980 per year, you still rank in the top 13.5% on the planet… ahead of 5.2 billion other human beings.
Looked at another way, being poor in America means that you're still doing better than 86.5% of everyone else in the world. To which I say to the poor people of this nation; how dare you?
What a waste poor people are in this nation. We provide every opportunity, every entitlement, every second, third, and fourth chance imaginable and still people fall by the wayside. Choosing laziness is fine with me, just don't try to make me feel guilty about it.
When the Tsunami hit last year and America sent Hundreds of millions of dollars overseas, people in this country whined "what about our homeless problem?" The answer to that is simple. We do things everyday, as natural course in America, to improve our homeless problem. We have systems in place to teach people how to get off of the streets and they fail to grasp on to them. Try talking to people in Sri Lanka about how hard it is to live on $9,000 per year and see if you get any sympathy. What about our homeless problem? I say screw 'em. Every day they wake up with an opportunity to better themselves… in Thailand it takes a devastating tidal wave for them to be given such a chance.
I certainly don't want to hear that crap that problems are relative, either. Many people argue that those in second and third world nations are just as poor as Americans below the poverty line because the people in the foreign lands "don't know any better." America is the wealthiest nation in history, so being poor in America is just as bad as being poor in Brazil, even though the numbers are vastly different, many argue. Incorrect. Being poor in America means that you have access to shelter and free handouts to the level of absurdity. Being poor in Brazil means you drink out of the Amazon and pray that a parasite will eat your insides as quickly as possible putting an end to your miserable life.
Here's another way to look at the relative argument; When we moved from Seattle to Sacramento, there was a 6 month time span when I was paying three mortgages. I was paying for the house my wife (then girlfriend) and I were living in, the home my mother was living in, and the vacant house on the market in Seattle. At the time, that was $7500 per month just in mortgage payments, and it was a real struggle for me. Do you think I got any sympathy from anyone? No, and I didn't deserve any either. Can you imagine the audacity it would have taken for me to explain to the hardworking fireman barely making ends meet to feed his wife and three kids how rough I had it? My God, the gall. That's how the rest of the world looks at our poor people… and they should. Poor baby, you have to find a way to make 3 mortgages payment every month? And you're doing it? Well, life must be rough. Poor baby, you wake up every morning at the"Y" and spend the day begging for food and money which you then choose to waste on liquor before being allowed to seek shelter again at night? And you live like this in a nation of free will? Well, life must be rough.
Poverty in America ranks on my top 5 list of the biggest lies perpetrated on the ignorant American public via the politically correct press. Ever since the Vietnam War, the elites in this nation have learned that they just have to tell you over and over again what they want you to believe, and ultimately you will believe it. It's the media version of the "Jedi Mind Trick." Poverty in America is one of those things. If you asked an average American about the homeless problem they would speak softly and somberly about how horrible it is in a nation such as ours. If you ask me about it, you'll get a quick two word answer, "screw 'em!"
What's that? You want to know the other 4 biggest lies perpetrated on the American public? Sure, why not;
Biggest Lie #1: AIDS is an epidemic (lie, with a sub-lie built in that condoms save lives)
Biggest Lie #2: Global Warming is real
Biggest Lie #3: Affirmative Action is good (lie)
and my personal favorite...
Biggest Lie #4: People who engage in behaviors potentially harmful to themselves must have their behaviors controlled by the enlightened. Think: Smoking, gun ownership, eating fast food, etc.
The list goes on an on, and the more we continue to empower the vocal minority of our nation, the more we lose what's left of America.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Saga of Ryzom is the best computer game I've ever played!

But I never played state of emergency. On the other hand, SOR is not the best computer game I've ever played, but it could be. Ragnarok Online is now the best, but hey I could be a dual mmorpg'er.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Who actually believes this crap?
Critics of the Mohammed t-shirts say this is a perfect example of why Americans are hated around the world. Finding humor in the desecration of another's religious symbol, even if you disagree, is just plain wrong.
Ok so I'm sorry you reject our first amendment, jerk-hole. But if the freedom of speech causes these 10th world countries to hate us, then that's fine by me. Take it up with the man in the green and white stripes.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
How dare you test my child!
stupid he may actually be." Fucken people, I swear to god.,0,1876736.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california
This year's 12th-graders are the first class to face the graduation requirement, which includes a section of eighth-grade-level math and another of ninth- and 10th-grade-level English. Students can take the test multiple times and are required to answer little more than half of the questions correctly.
Well I'm sorry if your child is too stupid to pass questions 2 and 3 grade levels below him. If he can't do that, then he doesn't have any place in society, he'll be nothing but a dreg. Maybe if you got off your ass and did some parenting once in awhile, your child could pass.
Hell in a handbasket, that's all I have to say. California is fixing to have a class war soon enough, similar to what happened in France last year. Those feeling they are entitled rioting against people who actually are worth a damn.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Mere goddamn coincidence!

Ok real quick people, it's just a coincidence, the movie is not "about" jesus and it's not even "allegory." CS Lewis has even admitted that it just sort of happened, and he didn't mean for everyone to get all hysterical about the books. Sure he was religious, but so was Mel Gibson, and you didn't see anything religious about Lethal Weapon did you? And just to let all you zealots know, if Aslan really did represent Jesus, CS Lewis is a jerk-hole because Jesus would never be as aggressive as Aslan is, nor would he kill anyone like Aslan killed the White Witch.
All in all, a very good movie. No corny singing, very little corny scenes, and the battle scenes were relatively well done. Although I could have done without seeing a goddamn hippo charging into battle. The rhino was one thing, but come on, a hippo?
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The Trial
One of the main focuses: Iraqi authorities put Saddam and seven other former Iraqi officials on trial on October 19, 2005 four days after the October 15, 2005 referendum on the new constitution. The tribunal specifically charged the defendants with the killing of 143 Shiites from Dujail, in retaliation for the failed assassination attempt of 8 July 1982.
So think about this for a second. He retaliated for a failed assasination attempt... And why are we at war with the middle east? In retaliation for 9/11/01 maybe? And yet we've killed much much more than just 143 people. So how is this any different? He is right to challenge the legitimacy of the court, since they have no legitimacy. They are set up and overseen by the US military, and I GUARANTEE you that if for some reason the judge lets him off with anything less than death, the military won't allow it.
Monday, January 30, 2006
As though you aren't sucking enough lately Disney

Walt Disney Home Entertainment proudly presents the straight to DVD release of BAMBI II, the must-own animated sequel to Walt Disney's immortal classic "Bambi." This all-new adventure film from Disney DVD, stars Bambi, Thumper, Flower and all of "Bambi’s" original characters, and introduces an exciting new cast of characters including Thumper’s rambunctious sisters.
Ok real quik, anyone who hasn't seen a disney sequel yet, be thankful. They all suck, as will this one. It will probably feature some lame singing (which is totally out of context with the original Bambi) and pop-culture references, just like all of Disney's stupid movies lately. Come on, get back to quality, please? Eventually some company is going to usurp your audience by providing something with a better storyline, non-computer generated animation and some original songs for once, so you better get your goddamn act together.
By the way, Disney already knows this movie sucks, that's why: BAMBI II will be in stores for only 70 days before going on moratorium.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Immigrant smuggling, or drug smuggling?
In the corner of a cavernous Otay Mesa warehouse, a small room held a big secret: the door to a passageway from Mexico.
U.S. agents had been investigating the possibility of an elaborate drug-smuggling tunnel between Tijuana and San Diego for more than a year, but couldn't find it despite using military equipment so advanced it's classified.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Good theme, crappy movie...

For being made in 2005, this movie sure does suck as far as animation and acting goes. But the storyline is good, and some of the art is very good. In line with FF Spirits Within which everyone gives a terrible review but I think it was an awesome movie. Next stop, Final Fantasy Advent Children. Lets see if Sephrioth destroys my DVD player when he destroys the solar system like he crashed my comp. I never got to play all the way through, but I cheated anyway and watched the final movie on my comp when I got pissed. Maybe I'll get it for my new(old) ps2 and play through again. It's definitely a worthier play than FFX (what a load of shit that game is).
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
You can't spin the shit out of Bush, no matter how hard you try,,2-10-1462_1864302,00.html
Monday, January 16, 2006
War on Terra akin to Zerg Rush
Such is the mistake the US is making in the "war on terra." Our homeland is more vulnerable than it was in the late 1700s, yet we continue to "take the fight to the terrorists." Thanks a lot mr bush, now 19 innocents are dead because of you, and we don't have anything to show for it except pissing off an entire muslim country. And with our borders and homeland defenses as flimsy as they are, the most people we piss off, then more likely a chance of another terrorist attack.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Ah the way things use to be...
My family lived through this time up until about 1996 (when Khan was sent into exile), but the good times waned as we departed the glorious 20th century and the US became a whiney bitch instead of a world superpower that could bail any country out of any war they got themselves involved in. Today there's a pedofile around every corner, a rapist behind every tree, and everyone except you is responsible for everything. Or maybe this is just in western coastal states, where the environment is so forgiving that people become too lazy to raise their kids properly, raise their little pukes to become pussies and rely on others to do their job for them. If I'm ever cursed with a kid, I am not hanging around California, I'm thinking a southern state (except florida) would be more tolerant of my "passionate" lifestyle.
Growing Up... The Way it Used to Be
This "essay" has been circulating the internet in forwarded e-mails for years. We originally read it in the summer of 2001, and we have brought it back now because it seems to apply more than ever. The original author is unknown.
If you lived as a child of the 50's, 60's, 70's and even early 80's it is amazing that you have lived to tell about it, based on what we believe now in this country. Children of today will read this and wonder what kind of society we grew up in*and most will be insanely jealous.
*We would ride in the back of pick-up trucks on warm summer nights
*We rode bikes without wearing helmets
*We drank water from the garden hose, not from a bottle or a purifier
*We built go carts from scratch, only to realize when we got to the top of a hill that we forgot the brakes.
*We jumped our bikes and skateboards off of ramps*and fell.
*We had "rock wars"
*We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on. No one could reach us*no cell phones.
*We played dodgeball*and sometimes the ball would hurt.
*We got cut and broke bones and broke teeth and there were no lawsuits from these accidents. They were accidents. No one was to blame but us.
*We would light off fireworks in our yard, not watch them with 10,000 people in a park.
*We walked to school. Alone.
*We would ride our bikes to the corner school. A mile or two away, just to get ice cream
*We ate dirt
*Girls made fun of boys and boys made fun of girls, and it was ok.
*We got spanked
*We would cry, and our parents would respond by saying "I'll give you something to cry about*" and we knew how much they loved us.
*We had fights and punched each other and got black and blue and learned to get over it
*We ate cupcakes, bread and butter, and drank soda, but we were seldom overweight because we were always outside playing
*We shared one soda with four friends from the same bottle and lived to tell about it.
*We had no playstations, X boxes, 99 cable channels, Movies on tape, surround sound, personal cellular phones, pagers, personal computers, or internet chat rooms*we had friends next door.
*We ate dinner as a family.
*No phone calls or TV we permitted during dinner.
*No one left the table until everyone was done eating.
*We ate worms
*We played tackle football
*People pitched the baseball to us, rather than having us hit off a tee
*We had Little League tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment.
*Some students weren't as smart as others, so they failed a grade and were held back to repeat.
*Tests were not adjusted to accommodate certain people from certain backgrounds
*We made fun of short kids, fat kids and weird kids*and they were told they had to learn to deal with it, because it was an unfortunate fact of life.
*Our actions were our own - Consequences were expected. No one to hide behind. The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of*they actually sided with the law.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
The myth is finally dissolved
Three ingredients combined to generate more and stronger hurricanes in 2005, said Gerry Bell, lead meteorologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center. Warm ocean water helps fuel storms, and Atlantic water temperatures were 2 to 3 degrees above average this year, he said. There was an absence of winds high in the atmosphere that can tear hurricanes apart. And winds blowing east from Africa steered developing storms toward warmer waters where they incubated into tropical storms and hurricanes.
That combination of factors has occurred periodically through history, Bell said. Meteorologists refer to such an active hurricane cycle as the "multi-decadal signal." It can last for 30 years. The current period began in 1995. A record 26 tropical storms formed this season, which began June 1 and ends today.
"It's not related" to global warming, Bell said. The same conditions occurred in the 1950s and 1960s, the last period of above-normal hurricane activity.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
To all the skeptics of my career path
What Is Environmental Economics?
The field of environmental and resource economics is the study of the economy and its interaction with the environment. There is an increasing need for utilizing economic tools in developing new environmental approaches and policies.
Environmental economists have the ability to correctly conceptualize economic problems related to environmental issues, design and implement appropriate research methods, and apply appropriate quantitative and qualitative techniques.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
You'll pay for this you bastards!!!
A car bomb tore through an outlet of a US fast food chain in Pakistan's largest city Karachi on Tuesday, killing at least two people and wounding 15 others, police and government officials said.The vehicle blew up outside a KFC restaurant at about 8:40 am (0340 GMT), Karachi police chief Mushtaq Shah told the news agency."It was a high-intensity explosion and its noise was heard in several parts of the city. It appears that the KFC was the target," Shah said.
What is this world coming to? You got a problem, take it out on the people you have the problem with. But DON'T FUCK WITH KFC YOU SUMBITCHES!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
let it be known, the US Congress is anti-capitalism
"Your sacrifice appears to be nothing," Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., told the executives, citing multimillion-dollar bonuses the officials are receiving amid soaring prices at gasoline pumps and predictions of more of the same for winter heating bills.
Real quick, Barbara, you're a fucken idiot, you have no clue how the market even works. "Oh the oil companies set prices." No really they don't. Maybe gas prices will go down if you'd stop taking the side of the idiot environmentalists and let them build some more refineries!
There is a "growing suspicion that oil companies are taking unfair advantage," said Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M. "The oil companies owe the American people an explanation."
No really they don't owe anyone an explanation. It's not their fault that there's A DEMAND FOR OIL! If you want to punish the oil companies, start taking demand away! Or let us drill for oil within the US instead of relying on foreigners. If anything it's all your faults for starting the goddamn war in the middle east, which by the way, drove prices up. But oh, lets blame big oil.
I bet a dollar to a donut that if it were Mom and Pop's House of Bread making windfall profits during a flour shortage, there would be no problem because they aren't an evil corporation. None of these idiot congressmen know what happens when you put price caps on things (like oil), and they refuse to see what has happened in the past, IE shortages!
fuck em all, depose our stupid congress and elect new ones who know what the fuck they're doing and aren't secret communists.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Why is it that music defines who people are?
One of the first questions someone asks when two people meet for the first time, is "So what kinda music do you listen to?" It's almost as though the first impression is based entirely on your preference, like someone's personality is uncovered by their favorite genre or band.
Good gravy people, get a life. Music is NOT that important. Define yourself by your actions, not by what you choose to listen to.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
2 solutions - let kids drink, or let them smoke
1. War on Drugs - leads to the black market, and drugs cut/diluted with bleach, chalk, or other harmful chemicals - leading to deaths (not by the drugs, but by the byproducts resulting from no regulation).
2. Prohibition - Led to crime. Duh.
3. Abortions - Leads women to have them anyway in dangerous ways.
4. Highs - When you ban children from experimenting and enjoying life (IE having sex, smoking, drinking, or basically doing anything fun) they find alternatives, such as the choking game.
Solution (which is bad because we're such a politically correct and gay society) - release all bans on everything. Result - Regulation leads to clean manufacturing, black market disappears because a normal market takes over, and deaths actually decrease.
My stance is such that it is not the government's job to protect us from ourselves. Their only job is to protect us from enemies. And the government has no right to tell people what they can or can't do with their bodies. Because who is the government? They're just people, like you or me. Would you listen to your neighbor if they tried to tell you what to do? Then why would you listen to a bunch of old geezer elitists who live in 4 million dollar houses and make enormous salaries that they can raise anytime they want, and have NO CLUE about what it is like to be an everyday american?
Like Michael Savage says - I just get mad when someone with half my iq tries to tell me what to do.
Amazing, people are leaving on foot, not waiting...
Monday, October 10, 2005
What say you now Osama?
That's because you're an idiot. Yup, the earthquake happened because you're an idiot.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
How to survive a hurricane disaster.
If by chance you don't do number 1, follow these simple step by step instructions:
2. stock up on canned goods and bottled water in the 4 DAYS LEADING UP THE GODDAMN HURRICANE!
3. If you have to take a shit, DON'T DO IT WHERE YOU'RE CURRENTLY LIVING! Idiots, stories about them "living in human feces, sleeping in pools of urine." Christ, have some fucken respect for yourself! Go off into a corner to take a shit, or do it in the water! Jesus Almighty, what ever happened to the human survival instinct?
4. In the days leading up to the storm, buy yourself a gun to fend off the human debris that will either rob you or rape you.
5. Get yourself an emergency life raft so you can get the hell out of the city when it floods. Sitting on your roof in 90 degree heat and 90% humidity for 7 days is just idiocy.
6. NEXT TIME BUY SOME GODDAMN FLOOD INSURANCE! For Christ's Teeth, you live in a flood-basin next to the strongest river in the country! And you're below sea level! Don't come to me asking me to pay for your house because you were too stupid to buy insurance.
The end!
Monday, October 03, 2005
so shannon is a paid escort! Woooo!!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
What an injustice.
Girl points at a guy's dick, and she gets a dishonorable discharge and 3 years in prison. The guy who sent her into the war in the first place ended up being COMPLETELY WRONG ABOUT WMD'S AND SADDAM'S INVOLVEMENT WITH 9/11, over 2000 people die, and nothing happens.
That's justice for you. It seems that embarrasing a muslim carries a greater punishment than sending honorable men and women to die needlessly.
One Laptop Per Child - Have you heard of a stupider idea?
Yeah, I'm serious, one laptop per child. Let me ask you something, how in the world did children learn before laptops were invented? There are so many better things we can spend our money on besides laptop computers, which according to this article, is just a tool to push the open-source anti-capitalism agenda of the linux community. They say it themselves. "We can offer them for $100 because we'll cut cost in manufacturing, advertising and especially in profit."
Well toot toot for you, aren't you especially noble? So you're giving kids laptops loaded with an OS that no one except bug-eating geeks can use. You know the first thing these kids will do with them? Try and load video games on them. Then when they find out that no one develops games for open source systems, they'll promptly toss the computer in the trashcan and log onto mom and dad's computer which doesn't require a 10-inch thick owners manual to use.
Either this is just some ruse to push linux further out into the public (because no one in their right mind would pay for it at a store, and only geeks know how to install and use it) or they're hoping to get these kids to become open-source developers who hate profit.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Didn't really care until now.
A rapper who has already conquered the hip-hop world is now making his mark in sports. Snoop Dogg has started his own youth football league in Los Angeles but, not without some controversy. Other youth groups say Snoop is taking a bite out of their business.
Boo freaking hoo, ya babies. Get a life. Not only that, he will also have TRYOUTS (heaven forfend) and bench players who suck. Good for you muh nigga'. Parents hate him because he is not conforming to their "everyone wins" gay philosophy. Fo shizzle.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Good and bad...
Interesting points to note. Of course Walmart is responsible if it directly results in substandard working conditions. I'm all for enforcement of laws involving pay, anti-discrimination and treatment of workers. But here's something to take a look at:
"The plaintiffs allege Wal-Mart's "vast economic power" allows it to impose price and time requirements on supplier factories that result in sweatshop conditions.
The retailer "knew or reasonably should have known that its suppliers would violate" worker's rights, but continues to do business with those factories, the lawsuit said."
Interesting, so Walmart contracts with another company to produce goods, and Walmart is responsible for making sure that company follows the law? Why is it Walmart's job to watch over that company? If the workers are suing anyone, they should sue the factories they work at, but of course, as noted later in the article, the governments of those countries are corrupt.
Lawyers for the workers said their clients could not seek redress in their home countries because of corruption, the lack of independent judiciaries and for fear of reprisals.
So essentially you're saying it's that government's fault for not protecting its citizens. Why do you try to put the blame on Walmart? When did it become their job to solve another country's problems?
And one last thing:
The lawsuit also lists four California plaintiffs, including two unionized workers at Kroger Co. (KR.N: Quote, Profile, Research) unit Ralph's and Safeway Inc. (SWY.N: Quote, Profile, Research) grocery stores, who claim Wal-Mart's entry into Southern California forced their employers to reduce pay and benefits.
Let's look at this, shall we? First of all, those unions are not even involved in the issue of labor practices. Second of all, WHEN DID IT BECOME A CRIME TO ENTER A MARKET?! Ever hear of competition? It's not walmart's problem that your own salaries were so overinflated that they had to be reduced, and it's not walmart's problem that your union representatives settled on lower pay. If you don't like competition, then why are you even working in America?
I suspect that those union employees claims will be dismissed right away, since any idiot can tell it's just some jerk socialists trying to get a piece of the big guy.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Goddamn california, you sure elected idiot legislators
I call for a revolt in California. No Taxation Without Representation, refuse to pay your income taxes to California until your so-called "representatives" start doing their job and representing their constituents!
The governor blatanly says he would veto the measure "out of respect for the will of the people." This about gay marriage. Obviously it's what WE want, yet the legislature just ignored what WE want and passed it anyway. Fucking faggots. Then they go and turn it around on him and say he's pandering to the republican party. DIDN'T HE JUST SAY THAT HE WAS PANDERING TO CALIFORNIANS?!?
Jesus Christ, when did our government get so stupid? It's just rediculous. I can't wait to get out of this fucking liberal-ass gestapo crap and move to a state that has some goddamn common sense. Maybe somewhere in the deep south where it's still ok to beat your children, own a gun, and exercise your right to free speech. That's where the true America is, not in this namby pamby political correct "make everyone feel good" gay society we have here in California. Run by people like "Mervyn Dymally, D-Compton" who likes illegal immigration because "California economy needs illegal immigrants to fill many jobs."
"These people pay taxes, Social Security. We benefit by their presence here," he said.
Bull fucking shit. AMERICA FOR AMERICANS! Are you with me? America is not your country, Mexico! It is our country, and you are not welcome here!Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Poll - Which is more stable, IE or Firefox
So much for Open Source being so much better. Can't even get a smash hit like firefox to work right.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
ADD is a real condition, I should know
Wait nevermind. Shut up! Oh so maybe not in kids, but I certainly have it. Goddamn doctors, what do they know? 2 week trial prescription to straterra didn't show any results, so the doc said I should try some "mental exercises" and organization techniques. I ask you, who has time for that? Between work school and video games, I don't have any time to better myself! That's when I got holistic on my ass. Little drug called "Focus Formula," not a drug, but herbs and shit. No need for chemicals, dependancies, or side effects. And best of all, this shit worked within 2 days! And it's still working. So I'm kissing my doctor goodbye (she's very attractive, now I know what the Animaniacs were going nuts over) and just sticking to all natural methods.
There, I posted a blog. I'll be back later if I think of something interesting to say. That's right, you spic.
Oh yeah on a side note, I drank 3 beers the night after starting this, and I got hung over before I even went to bed. Seems to have passed now, seeing as how I'm on number 5 and have a great buzz going. Later DOGS!
Monday, July 25, 2005
The most informed and non-ignorant article this month.
Wal-Mart under siege
Posted: July 24, 2005
If a capitalist corporation gets to be a big success, it inevitably finds itself in the cross-hairs of leftist political activists who don't much like capitalism and especially don't like large corporations.
In the 1980s, General Motors found itself in this position when Michael Moore made the movie "Roger and Me." More recently, McDonald's has been a target, attacked by (among other people) filmmaker Morgan Spurlock in "Super Size Me."
Wal-Mart, now the largest business corporation in the world, could hardly escape the activists' ire. The huge retailer has been charged with underpaying and mistreating its employees, destroying communities and oppressing workers in the Third World.
Wal-Mart's critics claim the average wage of sales clerks (conveniently, the lowest-paid group of workers in the company) is only $8.23 per hour. Point out that this is well above the federal minimum wage of $5.15 an hour and the activists will complain many of the employees work only part time, and many of them don't buy the relatively expensive health insurance coverage Wal-Mart offers employees.
Of course, a lot of people - women who want to devote more time to their families and people with a second job - prefer to work part time. In a modern economy, many workers have spouses whose jobs provide full medical coverage. If the pay and working conditions were so intolerable, Wal-Mart would have trouble finding employees. But it doesn't, even when the economy is booming and unemployment is low.
Wal-Mart is said to "destroy communities" by driving traditional "mom and pop" stores out of business. No doubt this is often true, but the reality of the modern American economy is that small and medium-size businesses are booming - but only when they offer some high-quality or specialized good or service, when they're particularly innovative or when they fill a niche nobody has noticed before.
The days of the corner appliance store that sells the standard models at prices substantially higher than the "big box" stores are gone. So Junior and his sister Janie don't get to inherit the family appliance store. Why they would want to do that, rather than open a boutique or start a computer software business, is a mystery.
When economist Emek Basker of the University of Missouri looked at the employment effects of having a Wal-Mart move into a community, he found it increases employment. Nostalgia can be gratifying, but it's not a good basis for preferring fewer jobs.
Another charge commonly made is that Wal-Mart oppresses Third World workers by paying them too little and having them work in substandard conditions. It's perfectly true that wages and working conditions in Third World countries are poor by American standards - and perfectly unclear why "American standards" should be relevant.
The employment provided by the suppliers of Wal-Mart (and other American firms) is quite a lot better for everyone involved than the alternative - typically subsistence agriculture. Nobody has produced any evidence that Wal-Mart's suppliers pay less or have poorer working conditions than other industries in poor countries.
The simple fact is that all advanced economies began with a "takeoff stage" when the work force left agriculture to do hard and poorly paid work in industry. That creates the foundation for a more advanced economy, where the pay is better and working conditions more comfortable. Nobody knows how to skip that first stage.
I suspect what the critics really dislike about Wal-Mart is not economic but cultural. Wal-Mart is very "red state." It's headquartered in Arkansas. It's mentioned in country songs.
The crowd that likes to say it's on the side of poor Americans ought to appreciate a place whose prices make a modest paycheck go a long way. But they prefer to fight the culture wars, and Wal-Mart is their bugaboo.
John McAdams is a political science professor at Marquette University and a policy adviser to The Heartland Institute, a Chicago think tank.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
What the fuck nutjob would allow this?
SACRAMENTO Painting of U.S. in toilet raises GOP hackles Attorney general asked to remove work in state-owned building...
What the fuck would you be thinking to allow an obviously slanderous political statement in a state building, much less THE DEPARTMENT OF FUCKING JUSTICE??!! What kind of message is that sending about how your building conducts business?!
Oh but if it was a picture of the koran in the toilet, then there'd be a problem...
A moment of silence please...
James Doohan - Commander Montgomery Scott, Chief Engineer
USS Enterprise - NCC-1701A
He will be missed...
Monday, July 18, 2005
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
What? Firefox has a security flaw? You don't say.
Yeah so apparantly, firefox is programmed on computers, just like IE is. So apparantly, they both have the same problems, SECURITY FLAWS ARE DISCOVERED!
Oh wait, firefox patched this bug. Doesn't Microsoft do the same thing with IE? So apparantly that slew of "open source" geeks, who spend their lives working on software that will net them no money, isn't as good as everyone thought it was. Because they obviously missed something.
Monday, July 11, 2005
eat this shit, you paranoid mother fuckers
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Enterprise didn't fail because of the actors...
It has come to the attention of a number of Star Trek fans that the cast of Enterprise may feel personally responsible for the series' cancellation. In comments made during interviews or to individual fans, some of the actors have made statements that suggest that they feel somewhat at fault for the premature end of Enterprise. Although Paramount has issued several press releases about the cancellation, in none of these has the corporation explicitly thanked the cast for their efforts or complimented them on their fine work, which may have contributed to the actors' misconception.
TrekUnited wants to let these talented individuals know that their work on Enterprise was outstanding, and that it was very much appreciated by the fans.
Here they go, trying to make them feel better about themselves. Well real quick, THE ACTORS SUCKED!!! THEY ARE WHY THE SHOW SUCKED! That and lousy writers. Christ, just tell them how it is! They were horrible, I commonly referred to the show as farmboys in space! Jesus, you got a friggen farmer from alabama or someplace commanding a starship! What the crap is that?!
Get back to the 25th century, fuckers.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Wow, just finished my paper on the American Rebellion
And real quick, just for all the gay libs out there who say that the civil war ended slavery, America wanted to end slavery early in the 1700s, years before the civil war even began. so shut the fuck up!
fuck that shit, purple pussy has ended!!!!1111
Well visit it if you want. It's great!
Also visit Sinfest if you want something better. At least this guy is dedicated to his creations.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
My letter to congress
I was glad to see that Rep. Jones is leading a bipartisan effort to press President Bush to create an exit strategy and timetable for withdrawal of our troops from Iraq.
I ask you to sign on to the resolution as a sponsor and to support it by voting for it. I understand that America is responsible for destabilizing the government and population in Iraq, and that it is difficult to withdraw without making sure that a stable government is in place, however, there is a time when we must stand back and take a look at what has been done, and what will be done in the future.
In early American history, we were also considered terrorists in using guerilla tactics to force the British troops from our soil. This is the primary reason for the Iraqi insurgency, and when you think about it, it is not America's place to tell people what type of government they should have. If enough people in Iraq feel that their lives are not being protected by their government, then it is their job to revolt. America today is seen as an occupying force in Iraq, and the majority of Americans feel that our work there should end. It is naziesque to believe that we are "above them" when it comes to decision making. Throughout history, it has been the population, not outside forces, that decide what is best for them. It is not our place, nor will it ever be our place, to tell other cultures how they should govern themselves. If it was, we would be taking active roles in all governments who do not support democracy, such as China, North Korea, and many African countries.
Also, I believe that the US is taking too much of a sole role in the Iraq reconstruction. We must involve the rest of the world in bringing peace to this region, and the people believe that perhaps the United Nations should take over in peacekeeping, to prevent the US from having a conflict of interest in the area. I do understand that peace takes time to flourish, but cultures have historically done better on their own without outside intervention.
Thank you for your consideration. I hope that my letter, among others, is enough to convince you to support the US leaving other countries to govern themselves.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
wow imagine that, there is no such thing as a native american
But that doesn't matter, because we want them to "feel better", so we invent all sorts of laws and rules so they can live in segregation from the rest of society.
Imagine what would have happened if Cortez invaded into Texas instead of Mexico, how would american history be different? Well for one thing, indian casinos wouldn't exist, that's for sure!
Friday, May 27, 2005
Your constituents are legal Americans, you cockasser!!!!!!
Well last time I checked, your constituents were legal American citizens, not illegal aliens! I hope someone calls him on this and beats his sorry beak into the ground.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
As sound as your logic is Mr. President, you're a moron.
So you don't support the military then? You don't support the war in Iraq? Ya fucken hypocrite! You think the lives of 1 celled organisms is more important than the research to save REAL lives. Then you should invent a machine to stop women from ovulating, because the 125 million women in this country are MURDERING UNBORN BABIES ONCE A MONTH.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Oh yeah by the way...
So I got a laptop and it rocks!!!!!!!!!
Compaq Presario R4000
- Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Home Edition with SP2
- AMD Sempron(TM) 3000+ (1.8GHz/128KB L2 Cache)
- 15.0" TFT XGA (1024x768)
- 128MB ATI RADEON(R) XPRESS 200M w/Hypermemory(TM)
- 512MB DDR SDRAM (2x256MB)
- 60 GB 4200 RPM Hard Drive
- 8X DVD Drive
- Integrated 56K Modem + 10/100 Ethernet LAN
- 8 Cell Lithium Ion Battery
- Microsoft(R) Works/Money
And revel you dogs, because this compy was cheap as free! It'll take a little getting use to, but so far I've installed a ton of games on it, and the DVD player works perfectly on it. :D
Thursday, May 19, 2005
The shit from China is Bananas!!!
Well it's technically a Compaq Presario, so maybe they used a compaq plant in China? I have no clue, but a good business practice is to NOT LET YOUR CUSTOMERS KNOW WHERE THEIR SHIT IS COMING FROM!!!!
Sure everything says "Made in China" on it, but people tend to glance over that since they see it virtually everywhere. But if you track your shipment, and it says "Hunshan, CN," a customer would then get a pitiful view of that company, knowing that what they thought was going to be made in an HP plant in the US by American workers was put together in a sweat shop.
But I don't really care, to tell you the truth, because I got a good deal! Those kids can sweat to death as long as I get my lappy!!!!!!11
Monday, May 16, 2005
wat the crap firefox?
Losers. Do something worthwhile.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
incense cones are bad for you
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Mmm, these are some good burritos!
Maybe I should go outside and tell those morons who think they're going to help you by bringing you a glass of water. Be right back!
"Hey you idiots! She can only eat through a tube!"
"What really? She can't swallow? What a horrible existance! Why didn't you pull the tube 15 years ago?"
"Well that's because you whack jobs wouldn't let us!"
"That's only because we didn't know all the facts! We tend to do that a lot. Sorry Terri!"
Monday, March 28, 2005
Holy Fucken Shit, Batman, Another TSUNAMI!
Ruh roh, they're in trouble again. At least this time maybe they'll get the fuck away from the ocean before their stupid island is covered again.
Another $350 million US down the drain.
Friday, March 25, 2005
It's official, I am not having kids.
And so I'm never having kids, for this, and for the current war on parenting that is going on lately. Or maybe if I move to a podunk town. Podunk towns seem best these days for raising children. There should be a law, parents and children must move out of big cities.
On another note, terri is nearing death. But when doctors in oregon can prescribe overdoses of morphine to give a nice peaceful death, why do we have to starve her? Come on, how hard does this have to be?
A bizarre twist to assisted suicide? If you have lung cancer and have 2 weeks to live, want to suicide, or die naturally? On the one hand, you go to hell for committing suicide. On the other hand, you die a painful death naturally... Tough choice. Personaly I'd choose natural death, but this guy, he tried suicide, and God was like "Psh, I don't think so byatch!"
An Oregon man's attempt at doctor-assisted suicide last month took a bizarre turn when he woke from a coma nearly three days later and lived for almost two more weeks. He survived 13 more days, coherent and alert, she said, before dying of his cancer.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
This just in, courts no longer recognize personal responsibility
So now PM has to pay 10 million bucks for her being a complete idiot! Fantastic, this is where our country is going. People can hurt themselves knowing full well what they're doing, and other people have to pay for it.
Yeah so conservatives like common sense and logic
Some dumb broad con talk host on KSFO was all bitching this morning, on the verge of tears, saying she wants to lock up Shiavo's husband for "crimes" and that she wants President Bush to take the national guard in Florida and federalize it so that they can storm the hospital where Terri is at and kidnap her so she can live on!
Goddamn, is that the most rediculous thing you've ever heard? They've actually started talking about using military forces to enforce their will! And they even said that "the ruling of a judge does not matter when human life is concerned!" Great, so you're proposing that the president use military power to enforce his agenda, and violate the constitution by opposing the ruling of THE SUPREME COURT! Fantastic, what kind of world do you live in again? Because last I checked, this is America, not Nazi Germany. Dickheads.
Monday, March 21, 2005
ain't it great how our reps ignore us?
To the previous posting of mine, the supreme court ruled that the congress' little ploy to summon her as a witness is unconstitutional, and invalid. So they pulled her tube over the weekend. She'll take about 2 weeks to die. Why do they want to draw it out? Just OD her with morphine! Sheesh. Goddamn right wing zealots, get a friggen life.
Friday, March 18, 2005
Terry Shiavo is going to jail!
Goddamn fucking meddling congress, interfering with states and individual rights. Someone should off those muthas.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
antiderivatives, or integrals, are cool!
Well that's off my chest, I figure I'm able to focus more now that I have started drinking water, and taking a 1 a day and eating fruit. Go figure, healthy living means a working brain. Sheesh.
But then again, who guessed that soda coffee and kool aid, while they are chock full of water, don't count toward your 8 glasses per day? Some fucking moron probably. I can't see how they don't, since their PRIMARY INGREDIENT IS WATER!!!!!!!!!1 Animals can get water from their food, why can't we? Because health nuts think they know everything!
Man I wish I had time to play dark age of camelot, or Saga of Ryzom. Man that would be awesome, but I guess I have to wait till after college. :(
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Arnold is NOT a corporate whore
Like the unions for example. Arnold is taking a big risk in pissing them off, and I say bravo! Those fucken unions have been strongarming this country for years, and it's about time someone had the balls to take them on. He openly says he opposes them, and I say good for him. Sure, the unions will start their propaganda machine, recruiting children for their political bullshit, but in the end, they're going to lose when the ballots come to the people.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Democracy is dead as of today
Regardless of what they all say, this is not a civil rights issue. Gay people have just as much right to marry as straight people. The justice does not ask you what your sexual preferences are when he marries you, he just makes sure you're marrying someone of the opposite sex. A gay man can marry a women just as easily as a straight man can marry a woman, so their rights are protected. But what they want is MORE than what they are given.
California overwhelmingly supports civil unions that give the same benefits as marriage. Californians also overwhelmingly are against gay marriage. So instead of taking what they could get, they decided to thrust into our democracy and take what they wanted by force, and telling californians that our votes do not matter, but that the will of the minority is more important.
So therefore, democracy in California is dead. I highly doubt that the california supreme court will uphold this ruling, since they have previously ruled that a ban on gay marriage is NOT unconstitutional. So you dumb liberals who think you can get away with trying to usurp our democracy can just kiss my ass.
Prudence avoids embarrassment
Now that that's off my chest, time to prepare for war with China.§ion=theworld
Saturday, March 05, 2005
gambling is fun. :D
Oh you get a line and I'll get a pole.......!
why do people get headaches when they sleep too much? I never can figure that out, if I sleep for more than 7.5 hours then I wake up with a headache. That's pretty gay if you ask me. Man I can't wait until I retire, and never have to get up again.
So I'm feeling more confident about my major, or the general area of it. I guess when I hit a roadblock in school, I don't stop at it, I plow through it and end up with a fucken smashed front end and deployed side air bags. Then I have to take a day off work to fix the goddamn car, but afterwards I feel more confident. Such was the case Thursday and Friday.
Jesus, is Netscape still around? Why don't they give it up already? Losers.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
so no more chem
And this is what we get for allowing that fuckbutter to go back to his own country rather than keeping him in a 3x4 box here in the good old USA. Now I predict that he's gonna get freed (durr) by the terrorists, and launch his hidden wmd's against american troops. Or he'll just get freed and start his men's baathhouse orgy again. Figures his name would be Sodom.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Re-Goddamn diculous! fucken nazi's!
Fired for smoking! That is the most blatant and unlawful invasion of privacy I've ever heard, and most of them are complaining because it is about health care costs. My ass it is, people who have promiscuous sex are a healthcare risk, fat people are a risk, people who don't exercise are a risk!
Jesus Christ Almighty! I'd love for my boss to come up to me and see what he gets when he tries to tell me what I can and can't do on my own time.
Two options for them. 1 - Charge the worker who smokes more for their insurance. - Problem - They'll complain that the obese people don't have to pay more, even though the obese have more health problems than smokers.
2. There is no requirment to provide health coverage. So either stop doing it, or stop bitching!
Wow, been awhile since I posted
Ok so I found out yesterday that I'm failing Chem! Fucken shit, goddammit all to mother fucking hell. on a stick. to the max.
Oh well, buckledowntime. Guess I'm not meant to have fun during the semester. Can't wait until summer vacation!!!!! :D
RAD were talking about illegal immigration today. Dawn thinks it's ok to have slave labor of mexicans, while Arnie thinks it's ok for an employer to fire real workers for illegal aliens. Fantastic.
That's just a myth anyway, that the economy will go through a depression or skyrocketing prices just because aliens are not working. That is such a stupid wives tale designed to scare us into not wanting illegal aliens gone.
Friday, February 25, 2005
bout time they're gonna let the window licker go
Something stupid I heard the other day was their dipshit lawyer arguing that she is not on life support. Well last time I checked, if she can't live without the feeding tube in her, then SHE IS ON LIFE SUPPORT!
Ah well, if I was her husband, I'd have just taken the offer from the family, gotten the cash and booked it. He's already got a new girlfriend anyway.
Star Trek Enterprise sucks! Get over it!
The headline is "Fight for your right to watch trek!" What? What kind of right is it exactly? Maybe if the show didn't SUCK BALLS so much, it wouldn't have been canceled! Personally, I love star trek in all it's forms, except this one! They spent 40+ years on star trek moving us forward in time, from the 23rd to the 24th and into the 25th century. Voyager got home near the start of stardate 5.xxxxx. Then they go and take us back to the 22nd century? What the crap is that about?
I tell you, I have watched every episode of star trek there is, except Enterprise. I saw about 3 episodes into the first season, then got bored with it. I tried to follow along into the 3rd season, but the show is just stupid. It's not what Star Trek use to be. We all want to be back in the Federation we know and love! We all know exactly how it will play out, so there's no point in dwelling in the past. No matter what happens in Enterprise, we know that the Federation will form, the Klingons will ally, the Dominion will be defeated, and the Romulans will continue to be dickheads. Nothing that happens in Enterprise changes what we already KNOW WILL HAPPEN!
IMO, that's why Enterprise sucks. I have a feeling Paramount will realize this and bring it back to where it shud be. I mean really, DS9 left us all hanging on what becomes of the Alpha quadrant when everyone decided to just up and retire. What next? Everyone wasn't all fine and happy after that! Life still goes on! After Star Trek Nemesis, we all cried because Data was killed, but what next? So he has a baby brother to carry on his legacy? That's it? We never hear about it again?!?!
Fuck that shit, get your act together Paramount, and give us the Star Trek we all know and love!
Thursday, February 24, 2005
ah another day another doll... whatever.
Yeah so hugh huet... whatever, is a jackass
Then he goes off and says that the people who took the poll "may not understand the issue." Why the fuck would you take a poll, and then say "Oh well you're all wrong!" Why did you take it in the first place you moron!??!
Oh yeh and he's talking to the retard's family lawyer, and thinks he's getting unbiased information. What a tool he is.
On a lighter note, you shud go on a virtual date with an esper!
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
sooo tired right now....
my cats are hungry.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005
today is all right for tonight!
math sucks. a 4 out of 10 on a quiz. 4! wat the crap! by the way, the derivative of the derivative is the slope of the slope of a function.
woah, mind bending.
yeh guess I'm gay too
fuck that shit, it's web log, or nerd power. whatever. who cares? Got an english quiz to take today, so I ain't got time to be a techie fag.
had some jerkoff tell me the other day that I should switch to firefox. I'm glad I got out of the tech field, browser and os wars? linux? what the fuck, get a life people. even playing DND for 23 hours a day is worth more than bitching about .... computers. sheesh. At least do something fun.
Ok and belgians are morons. except for Helene.
yeah whatever, protestors. get a friggen job or something.
Anyway I'm out, gotta go back to work and ........ uh............ whatever. Late.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Great my bro is a new rush limbaugh
and he talks about "current events."
by the way blogs are gay. why do I have this one? Well I'm the only non-gay blogger in the world. Eat that shit.
so I have homework to do today. fucken shit. I hate homework. Nice day outside, a bunch of movies to watch, and I gotta spend the day differentiating polynomials, and solving chemical equations.
Oh well, the sooner I get it done, the sooner I stop bitching about it.